The US government classifies benzodiazepines as Schedule IV compounds. Schedule IV drugs are potentially addictive drugs that have approved or effective medical usages. These drugs have a demonstrated potential for abuse and addiction. The federal laws and rules rate Schedule IV drugs as less dangerous than the lower schedules. The possession sale and distribution of benzodiazepines is tightly controlled and primarily restricted to licensed medical professionals.
The benzodiazepine class consists of many well-known and widely used medications. These widely used prescription drugs include Chlordiazepoxide prescribed under the brand name Librium.
What is Librium?

Librium is a brand name for the chemical compound called chlordiazepoxide. Librium is a drug that doctors use to sedate patients and reduce nerve activity. It’s most commonly used to treat anxiety, anxiety disorders, and withdrawal symptoms in alcohol treatment.
Doctors might also use the drug to reduce anxiety before a surgical procedure and the drug can help persons with a wide range of behavioral disorders. A prominent usage in the treatment of alcoholism; Librium can reduce or help you avoid symptoms of withdrawal from alcohol dependence.
Librium operates on the nerves of the central nervous system with a sedative effect that lowers the level of nerve activity. This is helpful in alcohol withdrawal, as anxiety and overactive systems are one of the main withdrawal symptoms. Librium has a wide range of approved uses. The clinical evidenced supports a high level of drug safety, but Librium has a potential for addiction and severe injury from drug interaction and alcohol abuse.
Common Side Effects of Librium
Doctors prescribe Librium for a wide range of health problems. Taken as prescribed, Librium offers a lower risk than many other similar drugs. However, even when taken as prescribed, Librium can cause dependency. Doctors and patients must work together to reduce the risk of addiction. Patients benefit from prompt and honest reporting of signs of dependency including drug interaction with alcohol, opioids, and street drugs.
Like most powerful medicines, Librium has a range of possible side effects and allergic reactions. Symptoms of allergic reaction can be sudden or delayed, and they include facial swelling, swollen mouth, lips, or tongue. Some patients get rashes, hives, and experience breathing difficulties. In addition, research shows both mild and severe side effects from the use of Librium. There are relatively mild and common side effects, but some unwanted effects involve severe health risks.
Mild Common Side Effects of Librium
- Digestive effects like upset stomach, constipation, diarrhea, and changes in appetite
- Drowsiness, dizziness, fatigue, and weakness
- Headache, blurred vision, restlessness, and excitement
Severe Side Effects of Librium
- Difficulty breathing or swallowing
- An irregular heartbeat
- Shuffling walk, tremors, inability to sit still
- Fever
- Yellowing of the skin or eyes (jaundice)
- Severe skin rash
Interactions of Alcohol and Librium
Many recovering alcohol-dependent persons experience panic and anxiety when they stop drinking. Doctors often prescribe drugs to help with the effects of alcohol withdrawal, including Librium. Librium acts to quiet the nerves in the central nervous system and the brain. The depressed nerves have lower levels of activity which reduces anxiety, panic, and other withdrawal symptoms.
Alcohol is also a depressant that works on nerve activity in the brain and nervous system. When alcohol users mix their drinking with Librium, they further depress nerve activity and create severe risks to basic life functions like heart rate, breathing, and blood pressure.
While Librium can help reduce withdrawal symptoms, the user can develop a dependency. Librium poses a risk of dependency when taken too long, in larger amounts than needed, and in combination with alcohol or other drugs. When Librium users mix this drug with other powerful depressants like alcohol, heart rate and breathing can be negatively affected. Patients may experience drowsiness, confusion, and difficulty in breathing for extended periods of time. If they continue drinking, or their body absorbs more alcohol that is already in their system, their case may be severe; they may lapse into coma and death.
Alcohol Poisoning and Librium Overdose
Addiction involves a loss of control over your use of one or more drugs or substances. Addictions arise from the use of alcohol and other drugs that change the brain and body chemistry. The changes create a new normal state that depends on getting more alcohol, Librium, or other addictive substance.
As users develop a greater tolerance for the addictive drugs, they create more and more risk of overdose. Compounds like alcohol and Librium depress nerve activity that controls basic life functions. Overdoses of these addictive and powerful chemicals can cause untold damage, even if the user survives.
Alcohol abuse can lead to alcohol poisoning. Alcohol poisoning results from ingesting too much alcohol in too little time.
Symptoms of Alcohol Poisoning include the below-listed conditions:
- Confusion, vomiting, and seizures
- Low body temperature or hypothermia
- Slow breathing, irregular breathing, loss of consciousness
- Blue-tinged or very pale skin
- Passing out
When a user exceeds prescription limits for Librium, the high level can cause a drug overdose. The National Institutes of Health warn that Librium overdoses can be severe, and can lead to coma and death, just like alcohol poisoning. According to the analysis in the National Library of Medicine, Chlordiazepoxide can also be poisonous in high amounts.
Librium overdose affects airways and lungs, causing difficult and shallow breathing. It can lead to blurred vision, rapid or irregular heartbeat, and very low blood pressure. The nerve impact is also severe. Effects include drowsiness, stupor, and coma. Affected persons can lose balance, coordination, and suffer from sudden tremors and seizures.
Librium and alcohol each change blood chemistry and affect nerves in the central nervous system and the brain. Heavy used of these substances creates long-term changes in the brain and nerve activity. The body adjusts to the constant supply of alcohol or Librium and the subsequent reduction of nerve activity.
When the alcohol and Librium stop, the body must quickly adjust to the lack of depressants. Nerves suddenly increase their level of activity and the person experiences painful withdrawal effects. Withdrawal symptoms are clear signs of alcohol or Librium dependency.
Alcohol withdrawal symptoms include potentially disabling side effects like shaking, insomnia, nausea, and anxiety. Librium withdrawal symptoms also involve high levels of anxiety, depression, tremors, agitation, and seizures.
Treatment for alcohol and Librium addiction involves immediate and long-term action. Alcohol and Librium withdrawal present medical issues that can cause severe injury and long-term risk. Many treatment methods require inpatient care and intensive medical observation. Some treatment plans include helpful medications to reduce symptoms. Patients benefit from medical direction and supervision at all stages of treatment and recovery.
Immediate care involves detoxification and easing the initial stages of withdrawal in which symptoms may be most severe. Medical approaches can use medications to assist initial withdrawal phases, though you must always tell medical personnel if you are addicted to a secondary substance, like Librium, otherwise the prescription of this drug while you are in withdrawal may cause other negative effects. Rehabilitation follows the detoxification steps and it must address any related or hidden medical or psychological problems. After detoxification and rehabilitation, patients enter the recovery phase. In recovery, patients must learn to live drug-free, and for many recovering persons, the recovery phase can be a life-long effort.